As you may or may not be aware - Millie & Mr Millie (hubby) had booked a weeks holiday in the sun...A wee small break to relax & un-wind - even if it would be hot & sandy!
Packing for holiday... that was the easy part! When I finally got round to it - it also appears my Doc Marten sandels weigh at least 5 kg - seriously so they ended up in Hubby's case!
Bright & early Tuesday morn, we are picked up for our short drive to East Mids airport. Passports, tickets etc all in hand. English weather looking miserable... so all good...
We arrive at airport - still in some amount of cheer - go to look at the big screens to find out where to check in... appears that the gates have just closed for the flight!
I gets that sinking feeling in pit of stomach! Look at tickets... Flight time definatley in the future. Stroll nervously up to the desk, to have it confirmed that 'yes' that was our flight, and 'yes' the gates are closed and 'no' there are no more flights from East Mids.
OH F*CK!!!
Straight on to phone to tickets people, who say the flights were changed and need to take it up with travel agency - KISS flights.. Very Helpful not!!!
Straight on phone to travel agency... they confirm that the flights had been changed and apologise for the mistake. I say thank you very much now whats the next steps? 'Please hold while I speak to my manager!'.
At this point Hubby is about to explode as he left his Ciggies & Lighter at home, none for sale at airport and getting grumpier by the second!
I am googling UK flights like crazy looking for an alternative... I find one that is a possible... only it is from Manchester, and we have no car!
Anyway... after must discussion with travel agency (must say the customer service was brill - they are reimbursing any costs we incurr and keep us in the loop regarding flights, transfers etc), they book us on the flight, change the return flight to Manchester as thats were car would be as taxi option was £150!! We make to check in with a mere ten mins to spare - and celebrate with a nice chilled glass of vino!
The flight itself was entertaining - not sure if the Captain was a stand up comedian on the side but was certainly value for money -
"We will be cranking the old bird flat out at 37,000 feet - just don't tell Stelios!"

We managed to break the speed barrier and arrive 45 mins early, just in time to check in and make it to our friends bar...
And then we all lived happily ever after!
Errr nope!
I am not including the Hubby with the sunburn (he shoulda listened) or the one day of rain or even the fact that feeding time seemed to resemble slops / prison food or holiday camp from hell... I am referring to going home!
(The in-between time was full of sun, cocktails, raki, sun, catching up with friends, sun and sunbathing! Bliss!)
The final day arrives.. with a wake up call at 4, yes 4 in the morning to tell us our bus is here - thats nice of them - considering that they are 16 hours early! And again at 5 to tell us they can't wait any longer - after several phonecalls (Not got the bill yet) we all agree that they will try again later the day at 8 in the evening. The rest of the day goes reasonably well - kicked out the room at 12 and given a scandalas price to book the shower room for a few hours!!!

8 o'clock comes, no bus, 8:30, still no bus, check - in opens at 9 and at least 30 mins drive, we call the transfer people who assure us the bus is 5 mins away. 9 o'clock arrives no bus, irate hubby starting the grumpy walk. Back on the phone, the bus forgot us! Taxi on way - and can hear wee woman in the background giving someone, presumably bus driver hell. I no speaky Greek but I got the jist!
Again we arrive at the airport with seconds to spare, check in (ask hubby if he wants one last smoke.. told its ok, will get on after gone through security!) and visit duty free. Stock up on ciggies (for hubby), vodka (for me), Metaxa (for Mum) and sweeties (for the office) go to the departures lounge to discover the smoking zone has gone!

We board the flight - aware that we land at 2 in the morn, 2 hour drive and have to be at work for 8! (No time to book additonal annual leave :( ) Have a great flight, quiet drive home and all live happily ever after!
Not quite!
We arrive home, the great british sun just peaking in the sky - I was hoping for an enthusiastic welcome from my cats! I got a curious look from one as if to say 'Ah - your back then!', one went straight to the food bowl and one jumped on the suitcase. We are greeted with every plug in the house being un-plugged. We just put it down to my Mothers madness and head to bed- knowing full well I have a huge project meeting (I am the Project Manager) in little over 3 hours! Don't quite take in the water stains pooling in front of the Freezer!
A full, day at work as the early morning meeting got postponed to last thing in the afternoon - so I couldn't sneak off early. Get back home to realise that with no power to the Sky box - means nothing recorded! Phone Mother to thank for cat sitting, and make random joke, on saving the standby power...
'Oh by the way'
'Yes Mother'
'The electrics should be all sorted now'

Turns out, on the day we left, some cables underground burnt out, plunging our house and street light into darkness, we are lucky or un-lucky enough to have no neighbours either side, so for the first day, was put down to a power cut! Day two and Mum phones the 'lectric board who come to investigate and confirm there is no power!
To cut a long story short (and this has been very long) we were without power for four days, and the contents of the freezer... well the pool of water! It is very depressing to have to throw out 4 tubs of Ben & Jerries and all my BBQ food!
PS - As I write this, what little tan I had... seems to have vanished - to the extent that people no longer believe I went away!