What I am referring to is I have managed, yet again to break myself! And in slightly more style than usual & totally my own fault!
In my defence there are numerous factors involved:
1) It was Icy
2) I was wearing heels - very nice heels I may add!
3) I am me - see previous posts re- accident pronement and the 'mirror' incident!
4) I may have had a drink or 2!
These combined led to an excellent display of Millie face diving into some concrete. I am sure that I would have been awarded full marks if there had been any judges - (Can you get judges? Or is there even an event?)
I also managed to find the only puddle in Leicester that had not turned to ice - thus leaving me shivering - at this point I had somehow managed to lose my jacket!
So, there I am, lying there, freezing cold, in a puddle, in the middle of the road, feeling my cheeks reddening. And, I hear a noise - not the noise of someone coming to help me up! Nope the sounds, were of applause!
Anyway the outcome of this event was torn cartilage in my knee! Whoops!