I am pretty sure that the 7 years bad luck thing is coming true! Either that or I really the most clumsy person on the planet! Or forbid... BOTH?

April has been the most busiest of months... although I do feel guilty that my new employer has hardly seen me! Or maybe that's a blessing in disguise? lol
I managed to contract a really nasy kidney / bladder infection! The first set of antibiotics failed to do anything...so several days after the initial visit to the GP I woke up in the middle of the night in absolute agony!
Firstly, I tried to get back to sleep, and snuggled closer to Mancat.. nope, didn't work.
Secondly, I took some Nuofen (I know, I know..) went downstairs for a bit to see if worked. Nope.
Thirdly, tried to wake said Mancat, nope.
Fourthly, the cats tried to wake Mancat, nope.

Fifthly, borrowed Mancat's iphone, searched symptons on NHS Direct, as by this time I was pretty sure I was dying, or at least well on the way! The advice was to go the A&E dept. B*gger!
Sixthly, decided that as I was due to go for a blood test in a few hours, would go downstairs, curl up in front of the fire and try and sit it out.
Seventhly, fell down the stairs!

In my defence, I was not intending to fall down the stairs, I was already in enough pain. On the plus side, it awoke the Mancat from hibernation!

Having snuck downstairs in the most quietest of manners I realised I was cold. So, I went back upstairs to get the spare duvet. The TV remote must have been lost in the folds, as I heard something fall.
At no point did it occur to me to turn the hall lights one. As they would not have woken the other occupants up!
Snuggled down in the duvet, in front of the fire, I try to turn the TV on to catch up on saved programmes, this is when the TV decides that it is going to stop working!
Once again I sneak upstairs to retrieve my book. On the way down the stairs I slip on.. yep.. you guessed it! The missing remote control!!! Ouch!
Mancat wakes up, and the conversation goes along the lines of...
MANCAT : That you Babe?
ME: Yep
MANCAT: You ok?
ME: Err.. Yeah!
MANCAT: What you done?
ME: Stairs!
MANCAT: For F*cks sake!
The upshot is that I get took to the local A&E, try to explain why I am there, as well as that they should ignore the rapidly blossoming bruises! Well after a week of morphine (Which I miss - lol), hospital food and kindles I am back home. The infection seems to have all but gone, waiting to find out if my spleen has returned to normal size...

Oh & Adhesions! Which were the cause of the pain in the first instance! The irony is that removing them, can lead to more!
& On that bombshell while I workout what to do.. here is some more info on this silent but very common, not quite understood problem!
**By the way - due to the amount of opiates I am currently on (Pretty sure I rattle) - -I am not responsible for any bad spellings, grammer, gramma or suchlike!