Friday, 2 April 2010

Holiday Cover for the Grim!

I was recently perusing  a story on the Beeb website around unusual & pointless job titles ( when amongst the comments was 'Mortality Manager'. 

This set me thinking that maybe this was the official title for Mr G Reaper, alas the commentee was not a G Reaper but a nurse!!!

This then led to a thought on who would cover for Mr Reaper when he take a holiday. If indeed he does, and even if he is a he!

After a lenghty discussion in the work room, it was mainly decreed that if Mr Grim (We had (Royal We) decided that he is indeed a he and he does take holidays) that Davy Jones covered and vice versa. 

It must be an amusing site to see Mr G in a scuba suit!


1 comment:

  1. If you'd read your Pratchett, you'd know that Death doesn't need cover for his holidays due to his ability to step outside of time.

    He did have an apprentice once which was a bit of a disaster. And one time he just upped and left and a variety of other deaths popped up in his place.
