Monday, 19 April 2010

Too much work makes Mille a dull girl!


I am seriously debating, and I mean putting real thought into one of the following:

1) Cloning multiple Millies

2) Freezing time

3) err there is no three!

Either way, I am still not sure that there will still be enough Millie to satisify all the work requirements coming her way. :(

The annoying part is that when I manage to find a teeny tiny piece of time in the day, for something like a toilet break, or to try (note try) and consume food, the 'manager' seems to think this is a great oppotunity to pile yet more work on my plate.. which I believe must be made of titanium or somesuch!

I am happy to be working, (as much as anyone can be happy leaving their bed) but really?

Annula leave seems to be out the question and replaced with 'All Day Workshops'! Fun! Fun! Fun!

I would also not put it past the 'manager' to leave a small volcanic dust cloud along the flight path for my up and coming holiday! Surely not?

Anyhoo rant over... back to work!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in much the same boat ... except, when I think about it, the person who seems to load most work on my shoulders is ... well ... me, actually!

    I don't really know what the solution is to this, other than learning to say "no" in a forceful but non-aggressive manner. If I ever figure out how to do that, I'll be sure to let you know :-)
