Tuesday 25 January 2011

Opps I Did it Again!

Nope - not a badly sung Britney song,, although that has happened recently!

What I am referring to is I have managed, yet again to break myself! And in slightly more style than usual & totally my own fault!

In my defence there are numerous factors involved:

1) It was Icy
2) I was wearing heels - very nice heels I may add!
3) I am me - see previous posts re- accident pronement and the 'mirror' incident!
4) I may have had a drink or 2!

These combined led to an excellent display of Millie face diving into some concrete. I am sure that I would have been awarded full marks if there had been any judges - (Can you get judges? Or is there even an event?)

I also managed to find the only puddle in Leicester that had not turned to ice - thus leaving me shivering - at this point I had somehow managed to lose my jacket!

So, there I am, lying there, freezing cold, in a puddle, in the middle of the road, feeling my cheeks reddening. And, I hear a noise - not the noise of someone coming to help me up! Nope the sounds, were of applause!

Anyway the outcome of this event was torn cartilage in my knee! Whoops!

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Merry New Year!


Merry New Christmas, happy festive year & all that jazz!

I'm back & nearly in one piece (More to come on that later!)

Today I was thinking back on the world of Bloggdom, I even got as far as congratulating myself for completing almost one post a month, in fact some months more and only missed one month!

Looked at the date and thought that if I was going to keep the momentum up then today seemed as good as time as any. In fact so, so much has gone on that I could once again write the uber blog!

However, as the eagle eye'd amongst you, and well even those who aren't, I completely failed to blog at all during December! There is also no good excuse at all for this as I spent a good few weeks laid up in bed with nothing to do!

The reason why deserves a whole post all to it's self. I would not want to deprive you of the awesomeness of the story! Or save me the embarrassment.

Suffice to say, I shall once again attempt this year to keep it up! Blogging that is!

Mills x